Let’s Start Now and Learn the Details Later

posted in: Recent, Stage 1, Stage 1: Step 1

Lesson Objectives There is deep basic science research that has revealed the nature of chronic pain and this understanding will allow you to discover your version of a solution. The essence of the problem is sustained exposure to threat and the core of the solution lies in finding safety. Create … Read More

Be All that You Can Be – or Just Be

posted in: Recent, Stage 3, Stage 3: Step 4

Objectives Modern civilization offers more opportunities than any other era of human history. Yet our mental health is declining. We have been led to believe that experiences, knowledge, possessions, and accomplishments can make us happy. You cannot outrun your mind. It is a futile effort because your unconscious survival reactions … Read More

Fighting a Forest Fire – Address All Aspects of Your Pain

posted in: Recent, Stage 1, Stage 1: Step 1

Objectives: Chronic pain is a complex multi-organ disease. It is reason why there are so many different symptoms. It cannot be successfully solved with random simplistic treatments directed at just the symptoms. Addressing the root cause of stresses overwhelming your nervous system’s coping capacity requires a multi-pronged self-directed approach. It … Read More

Anger Simplified

posted in: Recent, Stage 2, Stage 2: Step 1

Threat (perceived or real danger) creates a neurochemical inflammatory reaction (anxiety) And a need for control to escape the threat When you can’t solve the problem (trapped) Your body increases the stress response in an effort to regain control Now you are angry Anger = turbocharged anxiety Both are unconscious, … Read More

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