Arm the Worker

posted in: Uncategorized

Fixing the problems with the worker’s comp system is critical.  However, the system is unwieldy and we are not going to change it anytime soon.  We know extremely well what needs to happen to enable a worker to move smoothly through the system.  One of my physiatrist colleagues felt so … Read More

Video 2/19: Your Hand Over the Stove

posted in: Stage 2, Stage 2: Step 1

Consider a situation where you are forced to hold your hand next to the hot burner of a stove.  What would happen to your anxiety?  What would be your next response?  In chronic pain, you “can’t get your hand away from the stove.” I talk about this in depth in … Read More

It Really is Upside Down

posted in: Uncategorized

I have a patient who is a muscular 43 y/o welder. He injured his back on the job about four years ago.  After undergoing a laminectomy for low back pain, his pain actually increased.  When I first saw him a couple of years ago, his complaint was unrelenting low back … Read More

Your Demons are Robots

posted in: RUTs, Stage 1, Stage 1: Step 1

It is critical to understand how deeply negative anxiety-producing thoughts are etched into your nervous system. A 1987 Harvard experiment (1) documented that when you suppress unpleasant thoughts, they become more powerful. Unfortunately, they documented a trampoline effect in that they become much stronger. Thought suppression Disturbing thoughts are universal. When … Read More

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